TL-Elektronic - Makes your flying safer


SafeFly - a new system to improve flight safety

SafeFly - a new system to improve flight safety

[Wed, 15-Jun-2011]
TL elektronic in collaboration with the CVUT in Prague and the largest flight school F-AIR works on a common project.
In order to increase the safety of small civilian aircraft, TL elektronic realized in cooperation with partners research and development project. This projet enable autonomous scheduling of trajectories and interaction with other aircraft in its vicinity and the possibility of detection of possible trajectories of conflict and deal with these situations. This project is financed by a state technology agency (TACR) and the basic idea for this project is the world\'s unique AgentFly system that was developed for the U.S. Navy and the license are used by the FAA and BAE Systems.
Project will result in new functionality, increasing safety, which will be part of our Glass Cockpit Integra.
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