TL-Elektronic - Makes your flying safer

All worldwide types of engines supported by Glass Cockpit Integra

Glass Cockpit Integra is the result of 29 years of experience in the development and production of aircraft instruments for measuring of engine parameters. Just because a company ROTAX, the best known global manufacturer of aircraft engines has chosen our company for long-term cooperation. Glass cockpit Integra works with most engines produced around the world and a its unique graphical view push it among the most successful engine instrument in the world. Enjoy a variety of functions with support to various sensors as well as control units ECU and FADEC and intuitive visualisation for your safety and a great flight experience.

List of supported Engines:
- Lycoming engines - all types
- Continental engines - all types
- Limbach engines - all types
- Rotax carburetor engines - all types
- Rotax 912iS engine - injection
- Jabiru engines - all types
- HKS engines - all types
- MTH engines - all types
- Werner engines - all types
- UL Power engines - all types
- Franklin engines - all types
- PBS TP100 engine - turbopropeller
- PBS TS100 engine - turboshaft
- MWFly engine - injection

For any further information contact us by email